Study on ore characteristics in the Guobaoshan Rb deposit, Gansu province, China
The Guobaoshan Rb deposit is located in Guazhou county of Gansu province. Ore (mineralized) bodies mainly hosted in carboniferous intrusive monzonitic granite (giant crystal) rock,albite granite (giant crystal) rock containing the amazonite, and strictly controlled by lithology. The Rb deposit scale has reached very large, and associated with a variety of rare metal elements (e.g., Li, Nb, Ta, etc.). Mineral composition are mainly sodium feldspar, quartz, microcline (amazonite, potassium feldspar), mica (lithium), hornblende, and a small amount of topaz, spessartine (iron), tantalum-iron-niobium manganese ore, cassiterite, zircon, thorium, monazite, etc. Ore structures are given priority to with massive, and a small amount of stripes, pea spots mass; Ore textures are mainly granite hypautomorphic crystal, euhedral crystal, including, crumpled, etc. According to a variety of analysis methods, find out the content of Rb element in raw ore is 0.124%, the Rb element maybe mainly hosted in microcline (potassium feldspar) and mica (lithium) in the form of isomorphism in this mining area, the distribution rate of the Rb element respectively is 71.13% and 28.09%, and the content of Rb element of other minerals are very low. The research results can provide the foundational data for the exploration of ore deposits and the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources in the future.