
    Study on Technological Mineralogy of Jinping Nickel Ore

    • 摘要: 金平贫镍矿石属难处理型镍资源,矿石中镍的品位为0.634%,主要以镍黄铁矿形式存在。为了解矿石结构构造,制定合理的选矿试验方案,对该矿石进行了镍矿石物质成分、镍在矿石中的赋存状态、以及主要矿物镍黄铁矿选矿工艺特征及结晶粒度分析和镍元素回收的矿物学因素等方面的研究,基本查明了该矿石存在的工艺矿物学特征。研究结果表明,矿石中的镍矿物具有嵌布粒度粗细不均匀、分散、解离困难、不可选镍含量高的特点。


      Abstract: The grade of nickel in the refractory nickel ore in Jinping is 0.634%, mainly existing in the form of pentlandite. In order to know the ore structure and formulate the rational beneficiation plan, the research on material composition and occurrence of nickel ores, as well as the analysis of the processing technology and crystal grain size for the main mineral of pentlandite and mineralogy factors about the recovery of nickel elements was carried out, ascertaining mineralogical characteristics of the ore. The study showed that the nickel has the characteristics of uneven dissemination size, dispersion, difficult dissociation and high content of nickel which cannot be recycled.


