
    Research on the Recycling Technology of a Vanadium-Titanium Magnetite Tailings in Chengde

    • 摘要: 承德某钒钛磁铁矿选铁尾矿中TiO2品位2.60%,TFe品位7.73%。针对该尾矿中钛铁矿资源尚未回收利用的问题现状,根据尾矿性质,本研究采用“磁重联合阶磨阶选”预富集工艺;以及采用硫酸、EM-B作为调整剂,EM-3作为捕收剂,经过一次粗选、一次扫选、五次精选的钛浮选流程,最终获得了TiO2品位46.23%、浮选作业回收率83.25%、相对选铁尾矿回收率42.03%的钛铁矿精矿产品,实现了该尾矿资源化综合回收利用,为此类矿山提供合理可行的资源利用技术方案。


      Abstract: In a vanadium-titanium magnetite ore dressing tailings in Chengde, the TiO2 grade is only 2.60%, and the TFe grade is 7.73%. In view of the status of ilmenite resources in the tailings that have not been recovered and utilized, according to the tailings properties, this study adopts the pre-enrichment process of "magnetic weight combined with step grinding step separation". And the sulfuric acid, EM-B as adjusting agent, EM-3 as collector, after one roughing and one scavenging, five selected titanium flotation process, finally obtained the grade of TiO2 46.23%, the flotation recovery rate 83.25%, relatively 42.03% iron tailings recovery of ilmenite concentrate products, implements the comprehensive recycling utilization of tailings, provide reasonable resource utilization of such mines.


