
    Process mineralogical characteristics of a foreign refractory vanadium-titanium iron ore

    • 摘要: 对某钒钛铁矿石进行工艺矿物学研究,分析影响矿石开发利用的矿物学因素。研究结果表明:矿石中的有价元素为钒、钛、铁,杂质元素主要是铝和硅;主要铁、钛矿物分别为磁铁矿-假象赤铁矿-(钛)赤铁矿、褐铁矿和和钛铁矿。铁、钛矿物与脉石连生关系不紧密,且密度、磁性差异较大,易与脉石矿物分离,但是铁、钛矿物之间具有复杂的连生界面,磁性变化大,磁性范围重叠,采用常规磁选工艺难以实现铁、钛的有效分离。采用磁化焙烧-磁选工艺,从磁铁矿-假象赤铁矿-(钛)赤铁矿中回收铁和钒,理论品位为Fe 64.23%和V2O5 1.29%,理论回收率分别为60.29%和72.54%;从钛铁矿中回收钛,理论品位为TiO2 52.70%,理论回收率为65%左右。


      Abstract: Based on the process mineralogy of a vanadium-titanium iron ore, the mineralogical factors affecting the development and utilization of the ore were analyzed. The results show that the valuable elements of ore are vanadium, titanium and iron, all of which are high grade, and the impurity elements are aluminum and silicon; the main iron and titanium minerals are magnetite-martite-titanohematite, limonite and ilmenite. The iron and titanium minerals are not closely related to gangue, and the density and magnetism are quite different, so they are easy to be separated from gangue. Because of the complicated associated interface between iron and titanium minerals, the variable magnetism and the overlapping magnetism ranges, it is difficult to effectively separate iron minerals from titanium minerals by using conventional magnetic separation processes. By magnetization roasting-magnetic separation process, the theoretical grade of iron and vanadium is Fe 64.23% and V2O5 1.29% with the theoretical recovery being 60.29% and 72.54% respectively if they are recovered from magnetite-martite-titanohematite; the theoretical grade of titanium is TiO2 52.70% with the theoretical recovery being about 65% if the titanium is recovered from ilmenite.


