
    Study on the flotation desulfurization of high-sulfur bauxite in Northwest

    • 摘要: 本文针对西北某高硫细粒级嵌布铝土矿,进行了浮选脱硫试验,试验研究结果表明,原矿磨至-200目90%,pH值为8.4,捕收剂丁基黄药和Z-200用量分别为200g/t和50g/t的条件下,矿经一粗两精两扫流程闭路浮选,可获得硫含量0.38%的铝土矿精矿,脱硫率为95.01%,铝土矿回收率为91.06%的选矿指标。浮选脱硫工艺后获得的含硫0.38%的铝土矿精矿,满足氧化铝拜耳法含硫不高于0.4%的要求,同时硫精矿可作为生产硫酸的原材料,整个浮选脱硫工艺尾矿零排放,实现了矿产资源的高效综合利用。


      Abstract: In this paper, flotation desulfurization experiments were carried out for a high-sulfur fine-grained embedded bauxite in Gansu Province. The experimental results show that bauxite concentrate with sulfur content of 0.38% can be obtained by closed-circuit flotation with grinding to-200 mesh 90%, pH value of 8.4, dosage of collector butyl xanthate and Z-200 200 200 200 at 200 g/t and 50 g/t, respectively. The desulfurization rate is 95.01%, and bauxite concentrate with sulfur content of 0.38%. Beneficiation index of 91.06% recovery of earth and ore. The bauxite concentrate with sulfur content of 0.38% obtained by flotation desulfurization process meets the requirement that sulfur content in Bayer process of alumina is not higher than 0.4%. At the same time, sulfur concentrate can be used as raw material for sulfuric acid production. The tailings of the whole flotation desulfurization process are zero-emission, thus realizing the efficient and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources.


