
    Experimental Study on Beneficiation of a Fluorite Ore

    • 摘要: 某石英型萤石矿CaF2含量45.684%,通过选矿实验确定了选别该矿石的工艺流程和药剂制度,提供了相关工艺参数和技术指标。磨矿细度为-0.074 mm 90%,用碳酸钠作调整剂,JK-3和水玻璃作组合抑制剂,YP-2作捕收剂,采用一粗五精一扫,精Ⅰ尾和扫Ⅰ精再选,中矿合并返回的闭路工艺,精矿CaF2品位为97.682%,回收率为91.87%。实验结果表明矿石中的主要有价矿物萤石得到了充分的回收,产品质量较高,指标较为理想,为选矿设计提供了科学依据。


      Abstract: The CaF2 content of a quartz fluorite ore is 45.684%. Through beneficiation test, the technological process and reagent system are determined, and the relevant technological parameters and technical indexes are provided. The grinding fineness is -0.074 mm, accounting for 90%. With sodium carbonate as regulator, JK-3 and sodium silicate as combined inhibitor, YP-2 as collector, the closed-circuit process of one roughing, five refining and one scavenging, separate flotation of cleaning I tailings and scavenging I concentrate and integrated return of middling is adopted. The CaF2 grade of concentrate is 97.682%, and the recovery is 91.87%. The test results show that the main valuable mineral fluorite in the ore has been fully recovered, the product quality is high, and the index is ideal, which provides a scientific basis for mineral processing design.


