
    Research Progress of Electrolytic Aluminum Overhaul Slag Disposal

    • 摘要: 大修渣作为电解铝行业的主要固体废弃物,含有大量的危害物质,如何对其无害化处理并高效回收其中有价值物质,是近些年铝行业亟待解决的难题。本文分析总结了大修渣的成分、危害及目前国内外电解铝大修渣处置的发展状况,并指出了我国电解铝行业危险废物处置的发展方向。


      Abstract: As the main solid waste of the electrolytic aluminum industry, overhaul slag contains a large amount of hazardous substances, and how to treat it harmlessly and efficiently recover the valuable substances in it has become an urgent problem in the aluminum industry in recent years. This article analyzes and summarizes the composition and hazards of the overhaul slag and the current development status of domestic and international electrolytic aluminum overhaul slag disposal, and points out the development direction of hazardous waste disposal in China's electrolytic aluminum industry.


