
    Study on Copper Recovery From Tailings of a Vanadium Titanomagnetite in Hebei

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。随着选矿技术的不断发展和对矿产资源重视程度的提高,对于尾矿综合利用的研究越来越多。采用化学多元素分析、SEM等技术对某钒钛磁铁矿选铁尾矿中的铜矿物进行表征,研究表明其中主要有价元素为铜,且主要以硫化铜形式存在。在选矿工艺研究方面,以河北某钒钛磁铁矿尾矿为研究对象,选用丁基黄药、A8及MK305对选铁尾矿中的铜进行浮选回收实验,通过单一捕收剂实验、组合捕收剂实验、捕收剂用量实验以及2#油用量实验,确定在A8:MK305用量比为1∶1,粗选捕收剂用量为45 g/t,2#油为7.5 g/t时,获得较佳的浮选技术指标。闭路实验结果表明,选铁尾矿经过一次粗选、一次扫选后,得到的粗精矿经再次磨矿至-0.074 mm含量大于85%,添加生石灰12 kg/t,经过一次粗选、三次精选、两次扫选,可以得到品位18.94%的铜精矿,回收率为60.88%,实现了选铁尾矿中金属铜的回收利用。


      Abstract: This is a paper in the field of mineral processing engineering.With the continuous development of mineral processing technology and the improvement of the degree of attention to mineral resources, more and more researches on the comprehensive utilization of tailings have been carried out. Chemical multivariate analysis, SEM and other techniques were used to characterize the copper ore in a vanadium titanomagnetite iron tailings, the study shows that the main valence element is copper, and mainly exists in the form of copper sulfide. A vanadium-titanium magnetite tailings in Hebei was used as a research object. Using butyl xanthate, A8 and MK305 for flotation recovery of copper in iron tailings, it is determined that the optimum flotation technical index is obtained when the A8∶MK305 dosage ratio is 1∶1 and the crude collector dosage is 45 g/t, 2# oil is 7.5 g/t, through single collector test, combined collector test, collector dosage test and 2#oil dosage test. The results of closed circuit test show that the coarse concentrate obtained after one coarse separation and one sweep of iron tailings is ground again to -0.074 mm content ≥85%, and the copper concentrate of 18.94% grade can be obtained by adding quicklime 12 kg/t, coarse concentrate after one coarse separation, three cleaning and two sweep operation, and the recovery rate is 60.88%. In this experiment, the recovery and utilization of metal copper in iron tailings are realized.


