
    Different Flotation Behaviors of Ca2+-Activated Quartz in the Presence of 18-Carbon Fatty Acids with Different Saturation

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。以不同饱和度硬脂酸钠,油酸钠,亚油酸钠为捕收剂对Ca2+活化石英进行了浮选实验研究。浮选实验表明亚油酸钠对Ca2+活化石英具有较好的捕收剂能力,油酸钠次之,而硬脂酸钠几乎没有捕收能力。通过Zeta电位、红外光谱、游离Ca2+浓度测定,表面张力测定,对Ca2+活化石英不同浮选行为的机理进行了研究。Zeta电位研究表明,亚油酸钠使Ca2+活化石英表面电位向负方向移动较多,油酸钠次之,硬脂酸钠对石英表面电位改变较小;红外光谱测试表明,三种脂肪酸钠均能够与矿物表面Ca2+反应生产脂肪酸钙,说明化学反应发生;三种脂肪酸钠与Ca2+反应后溶液游离Ca2+浓度测试和表面张力测试表明,三种脂肪酸钠抗硬水离子能力分别为亚油酸钠>油酸钠>硬脂酸钠。三种脂肪酸钠的抗硬水能力的差异性,以及由此而引起的矿物表面电位和溶液表面张力的差异性,是引起三种脂肪酸钠捕收能力差异性的原因。


      Abstract: This is an essay in the field of mineral processing engineering. In this study, sodium palmitate, sodium oleate and sodium linoleate were applied as collectors for the flotation of Ca2+-activated quartz. Results indicate that the three different sodium fatty acids have different flotation performances for Ca2+-activated quartz. It was found that the sodium linoleate was a better collector for collecting Ca2+-activated quartz than sodium oleate and sodium palmitate. To understand the different flotation behaviors of the three fatty acids, a comprehensive investigation has been conducted through zeta-potential measurements, FTIR characterization, free Ca2+ concentration measurement, surface tension measurement, and quantitative adsorption determination. It was found that the addition of sodium fatty acids decreased (more negatively charged) the zeta potentials of Ca2+-activated quartz, suggesting the adsorption of sodium fatty acids occurred on the collophanite surfaces. Characterization by FTIR spectra indicates that the calcium fatty acids are generated in the mineral pulp. The free Ca2+ concentration measurement and the surface tension measurement show that the sodium linoleate is not as sensitive to Ca2+ as sodium oleate and sodium palmitate, the good ability of resistance to hard water of sodium linoleate should be the reason that the sodium linoleate could float Ca2+-activated quartz better.


