
    Technological Mineralogical Characteristics and Mineral Processing Test of Donganshan Iron Ore

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。为准确掌握各类型矿石对现场生产的影响,采用化学分析和矿物自动分析系统(AMICS)测试手段对各类型矿石进行了系统深入的工艺矿物学研究,在工艺矿物学的基础上,进行了配矿方案拟定,并按照较佳的配矿比进行了全流程实验。结果表明:各类型矿石为高硅、贫铁低硫磷贫铁矿石。各类型矿石的嵌部特性较复杂,对矿石可磨度及单体解离具有一定的影响。根据采区各类型矿石可选性实验结果等条件,确定综合配矿比为:(磁性矿∶亚铁矿∶东部红矿∶混合矿∶绿泥矿∶碳酸铁矿)=(25∶25∶25∶10∶10∶5)。综合配矿经过弱磁-强磁-混磁精阴离子反浮选闭路流程,获得了综合精矿品位66.06%,产率34.60%,综合尾矿品位15.20%,产率65.40%的较好指标。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of mineral processing engineering. In order to accurately grasp the influence of various types of ores on field production, the process mineralogy of various types of ores was systematically and deeply studied by means of chemical analysis and automatic mineral analysis system (AMICS). Based on the process mineralogy, the ore blending scheme was drawn up, and the whole process test was carried out according to the optimal ore blending ratio. The results show that all kinds of ores are lean iron ores with high silicon, low iron and low sulfur and phosphorus. The embedding characteristics of various types of ores are complex, which has a certain influence on the grindability of ores and monomer dissociation. According to the washability test results of various types of ores in the mining area, the comprehensive ore blending ratio is determined as follows: (magnetic ore∶ sub-iron ore∶ eastern red ore∶mixed ore∶ chlorite ore∶ iron carbonate ore) =(25∶25∶25∶10∶10∶5). Through the closed-circuit process of weak magnetic field-strong magnetic field-mixed magnetic fine anion reverse flotation, the comprehensive ore blending obtained good indexes of comprehensive concentrate grade of 66.06%, yield of 34.60%, comprehensive tailings grade of 15.20% and yield of 65.40%.


