
    Progress and Analysis of Research on Phosphorus Collectors and their Interaction Mechanisms

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工领域的论文。磷矿是一种不可再生的战略性非金属矿产,对社会经济发展和科技进步起着至关重要的作用。浮选是磷矿选矿的主要途径,而捕收剂在磷矿浮选处于核心地位,对磷矿的资源回收率起决定作用。在论述了我国磷矿资源特点和利用现状的基础上,将目前所使用的磷矿捕收剂进行系统性的分类,列举了各类捕收剂中的典型示例,进而分析了各类捕收剂的特性、存在的问题及未来发展方向。此外,从选磷捕收剂在矿物表面的吸附机理及浮选过程的分离机理两个方面,对选磷捕收剂作用的机理研究现状进行了总结,以期为磷矿浮选捕收剂的开发和磷矿浮选基础研究提供有益参考。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of mineral processing engineering.The phosphate ore is a non-renewable strategic non-metallic mineral, which plays a crucial role in social and economic development and technological progress. Flotation is the main way of phosphate ore beneficiation, and the collectors are at the core of phosphate ore flotation, which plays a decisive role in the resource recovery rate of phosphate ore. Based on the discussion the characteristics and utilization status of phosphate ore resources in China, this article systematically classifies the currently used phosphate ore collectors, provides typical examples of various collectors, and analyzes the characteristics, existing problems, and future development directions of various collectors. In addition, the current research status of the mechanism of the action of phosphorus selective collectors is summarized from two aspects: the adsorption mechanism of phosphorus selective collectors on mineral surfaces and the separation mechanism of flotation processes. This will provide useful references for the development of phosphorus ore flotation collectors and basic research of phosphorus ore flotation.


