
    Beneficiation Experiment of a Carbonate Fluorite Ore in Guizhou

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。贵州某碳酸盐型萤石矿,CaF2含量为40.56%,矿石成分复杂,碳酸盐类脉石矿物含量高。采用自主研制的新型捕收剂LY-14对其进行浮选实验研究。在磨矿细度-0.074 mm 81.42%,Na2CO3用量为1 200 g/t,酸化水玻璃用量1 200 g/t,单宁用量为100 g/t,捕收剂LY-14用量为600 g/t条件下,采用“一粗六精一扫”闭路实验流程,获得了CaF2品位为96.35%、CaF2回收率为91.47%的萤石精矿。


      Abstract: This is an essay in the field of mineral processing engineering. There is a 40.56% CaF2 in a Carbonate fluorite ore in Guizhou. The ore composition is complex and the content of carbonate gangue minerals is high. The flotation experiment was carried out with a new collector LY-14 developed by ourselves. Using the closed-circuit test process of "one coarse, six fine and one sweep", under the conditions of grinding fineness of -0.074 mm, content of 81.42%, dosage of Na2CO3 of 1 200 g/t, dosage of acidified sodium silicate of 1 200 g/t, dosage of tannin of 100 g/t and dosage of collector LY-14 of 600 g/t, fluorite concentrate with CaF2 grade of 96.35% and CaF2 recovery of 91.47% was obtained.


