
    Magnetic Anomaly Characteristics and Prospects in Xiaoguanhe-Hekou Area of Huili, Sichuan Province

    • 摘要: 四川会理小关河—河口地区位于扬子地块缘康滇地轴中段,属我国扬子地块缘川滇南北向重要铜多金属成矿带,矿产资源丰富。利用1:5万地面高精度磁法测量,圈定了31个磁异常,具有进一步找矿意义的异常有16个,主要集中在平地幅白云山—大云山—绿水—李家坟一带;河口幅中厂—毛姑坝一带和北东部的杨河与新发一带;小关河幅滥坝、大箐、老莹磐、大村、元村,西南部的羊合五—红石井—尖山—大黑依—菜子园—官村—大村一带和东南部的阿古鹿与石门坎一带,为本区下一步地质找矿提供了非常重要的信息。


      Abstract: The Xiaoguan-Hekou area in Huili, Sichuan Province is located in the middle of the Kangdian axis in the western margin of the Yangtze Platform, which is an important South-North Cu-polymetallic metallogenic belt of Sichuan and Yunnan, with abundant mineral resources. Thirty-one magnetic anomalies were delineated by using the 1∶50 000 high-precision surface magnetic survey, 16 of which are of further prospecting significance, mainly concentrated in the area of Baiyun Mountain, Dayun Mountain, Lushui and Lijiafen in the Pingdi geological map, the Zhongchang, Maoguba area on the Hekou geological map and the Yanghe and Xinfa areas in the northeast in the Xiaoguanhe geological map, the areas of Yanghewu, Hongshijing, Jianshan, Daheiyi, Caiziyuan, Guancun, Dacun in the southwest and Agulu, Shimenkan in the southeast. This provides very important information for the further geological exploration in the area.


