
    Characteristics of Ore-forming Fluid and Mineralization of Jinqingding Gold Deposit in Mouru Metallogenic Belt, Jiaodong

    • 摘要: 牟乳成矿带是胶东金矿集区三大金成矿带之一,金青顶金矿床位于该成矿带南段,是大型石英脉型金矿床,其成矿流体的研究还存在争议。本文从矿石石英中流体包裹体和 H-O 同位素研究入手,结合矿床地质特征,对成矿流体和成矿作用进行探讨。流体包裹体岩相学研究显示,矿石石英中的原生包裹体以气液两相包裹体和纯液相水溶液包裹体为主,另有少量含 CO2三相包裹体。显微测温结果及计算表明,均一温度主要在188.7~252.1 ℃,盐度大多为4.23%~10.71%,密度集中于0.87~0.99 g/cm3,成矿压力主要位于48.9~67.3 MPa,成矿深度5.6~6.63 km。随着成矿作用进行,温度、压力逐渐降低,密度逐渐升高。H-O 同位素测试表明,δD值主要介于-96.0‰~-83.2‰之间,δ18O值主要介于3.06‰~5.58‰之间。成矿流体主要来自于岩浆水和变质水的混合,流体降温和不混溶是成矿物质短时间内大量沉淀的主要机制。综合认为金青顶金矿应属中低温、低盐度、低密度、中浅成特征的热液脉型金矿床。


      Abstract: The Mouru Gold Metallogenic Belt is one of the three major one in the Jiaodong Gold Metallogenic Zone. The Jinqingding Gold Deposit is located in the southern part of the metallogenic belt and is a large quartz vein-type gold one. The research on its ore-forming fluid is still controversial. This paper starts from the study of fluid inclusions and H-O isotopes in ore quartz, combined with the geological characteristics of the deposit to discuss the ore-forming fluid and ore-forming process. Petrographic study on fluid inclusions in ore quartz showed that the primary inclusions were mainly two-phase gas-liquid inclusions and pure liquid-phase aqueous solution inclusions, with a small amount of CO2 three-phase inclusions. Microthermometric results and calculations showed that the homogenization temperature was mainly between 188.7 and 252.1 ℃, the salinity was mainly between 4.23% and 10.71%, the density was concentrated between 0.87 and 0.99 g/cm3, the ore-forming pressure was mainly between 48.9 and 67.3 MPa, and the ore-forming depth was between 5.6 and 6.63 km. With the ore-forming process, the temperature, pressure gradually decreased, and the density gradually increased. H-O isotope tests showed that δD values were mainly between -96.0‰ and -83.2‰, and δ18O values were mainly between 3.06‰ and 5.58‰. The ore-forming fluid was mainly derived from the mixture of magmatic and metamorphic water, and the cooling and non-mixing of the fluid were the main mechanisms for the large-scale precipitation of ore-forming materials in a short time. It is concluded that the Jinqingding gold deposit should belong to the hydrothermal vein-type gold deposit with characteristics of medium-low temperature, low salinity, low density and medium-shallow formation.


