
    Genesis of Geothermal Water in the Overnight Area of the Central Ganzi-Litang County Fault: A Geochemistry Approach

    • 摘要: 本研究基于通宵地区2组和周边3组地热水的水化学数据,利用水化学、同位素、地热温标等方法探究了地热水的成因机制。结果显示:通宵地区地热水主要以地幔热与断层摩擦生热为主要热源,补给来源主要为西侧高程4 627 ~ 4 848.83 m处的大气降水和冰雪融水,水化学类型主要为HCO3-Na型,主要水化学过程为硅酸盐矿物的溶解和阳离子交换作用,与其周边热水的水化学性质较为一致。通宵地区地热水地处甘孜—理塘断裂西侧,岩性主要为三叠系二长花岗岩与图姆沟组砂岩、砂板岩,大气降水与地表冰雪融水由西侧二长花岗岩裂隙下渗,向下、向东运移,在地下约3 596 ~ 5 508 m处与来自地幔的热源相遇,形成185.7~281.3 ℃的深部热储,沿级断裂和张性、脆性等构造破碎带向上传递,在地下约1 270 ~ 1 758 m与浅地表冷水混合后形成温度约为69.4~93.8 ℃的浅部热储,混合比例约77.81%~92.53%。本次研究成果可为通宵地区地热资源的开发利用提供有力支撑。


      Abstract: Based on the hydrochemical data of 2 groups of geothermal water and 3 groups of geothermal water around the area overnight, the genetic mechanism of geothermal water was studied by using hydrochemical, isotopic and geothermal temperature scale methods. The results show that the main source of geothermal water is mantle heat and fault friction heat, and the main source of geothermal water is precipitation and snowmelt water at the elevation of 4 627~4 848.83 m on the west side, the main hydrochemical type is HCO3-Na, and the main hydrochemical process is the dissolution and cation exchange of silicate minerals, which is consistent with the chemical property of the surrounding hot water. The geothermal water is located on the west side of the Ganzi-litang County Fault. The lithology of the geothermal water is mainly Triassic monzogranite and the sandstone and sandstone slate of the Tumugou Formation, it migrates downward and eastward and meets with the heat source from the mantle at about 3 596~5 508 m underground, forming a deep heat reservoir of 185.7~281.3 ℃, a shallow heat reservoir with a temperature of 69.4~93.8 ℃ is formed by mixing cold water from the surface of the Earth with a temperature of about 1 270~1 758 m, and the mixing ratio is about 77.81%~92.53% . The research results can provide strong support for the development and utilization of geothermal resources in the overnight area.


