
    GIS-based Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil of Wanzhuang Gold Tailing Pond and Surrounding Areas in Beijing

    • 摘要: 针对北京万庄金尾矿库的土壤金属污染现象,对矿区、尾矿库、选矿厂共计182个土壤样品进行测试指标分析,运用内梅罗指数法对矿区土壤重金属元素进行污染评价,并通过Arc GIS软件对矿区土壤各金属污染元素在空间分布上进行分级绘制。结果显示,研究区污染程度为矿区>尾矿库>选矿厂,矿区污染元素中As、Pb严重超标,近乎22.8%的样品构成重度污染,尾矿库中As元素构成重度污染;其次中度污染的是Cd,研究区范围内普遍存在;而Cu、Zn表现为轻微污染,Cr、Ni几乎无污染。根据污染元素空间分布和污染程度推断研究区内土壤重金属元素由矿区、选矿厂和尾矿库不断向上游500 m和下游2 km范围内迁移,但并未影响生活区。本研究为此金尾矿库金属污染及治理提供了依据,也为其他矿区提供参考价值。


      Abstract: Aiming at the phenomenon of soil metal pollution in Beijing Wanzhuang gold tailings reservoir, 182 soil samples from the mining area, tailings pond and concentrator were tested and analyzed. The Nemero index method was used to evaluate the pollution of heavy metal elements in the soil of the mining area, and the spatial distribution of metal pollution elements in the soil of the mining area was mapped by using Arc GIS software. The results show that the pollution degree in the study area is mining area > tailings pond > concentrator. As and Pb in the polluted elements in the mining area seriously exceed the standard. Nearly 22.8% of the samples constitute heavy pollution, and as in the tailings pond constitutes heavy pollution. Secondly, Cd is moderately polluted, which is common in the study area. While Cu and Zn are slightly polluted, Cr and Ni are almost free of pollution. According to the spatial distribution and pollution degree of pollution elements, it is inferred that heavy metal elements in the soil in the study area continuously migrate from the mining area, concentrator and tailings pond to 500 m upstream and 2 km downstream, but do not affect the living area. This study provides a basis for metal pollution and treatment of gold tailings pond, and also provides reference value for other mining areas.


