
    Optimization Research and Industrial Application of Beneficiation Process in a Gold Mine in Gansu Province

    • 摘要: 甘肃某金矿为维持生产稳定,始终保持较高的磨矿细度,给尾矿筑坝带来一定的负面影响。笔者通过原矿磨矿细度放粗探索,并结合强捕收剂的使用,发现采用戊基黄药替代原组合药剂中的丁基黄药,磨矿细度放粗5个百分点,金的回收率略有提高。小试和工业实验结果表明,粗磨+中矿再磨工艺可以达到原矿直接细磨的浮选指标,而且降低了尾矿细度,优化了粒度组成;且使用戊基黄药替换丁基黄药,并调整戊基黄药和MC的比例至3∶1,可进一步降低了尾矿中金的损失。


      Abstract: In order to maintain the stability of production, a gold mine in Gansu Province always adopts high grinding fineness, which has a certain negative impact on tailings damming. Through the exploration of coarse grinding of ore and combined with strong collector, it is found that using amyl xanthate instead of butyl xanthate in the original combination reagent, the grinding fineness was roughened by 5% and the recovery of gold was slightly improved. The laboratory and industrial test results show that the coarse grinding + middlings regrinding process could achieve the flotation indicators of direct fine grinding of the ore. Meanwhile, the fineness of tailings was reduced and the particle size composition was optimized. The loss of gold in tailings was further reduced by replacing butyl xanthate with amyl xanthate and adjusting the ratio of amyl xanthate to MC to 3∶1.


