
    Optimization of Recovery of Valuable Metals from Lead Smelting Water Quenching Slags by Response Surface Methodology

    • 摘要: 在酸性条件下氧压浸出水淬渣,通过响应曲面法的模型优化设计和分析,研究了浸出过程中氧压温度、硫酸浓度、液固比对选择性浸出率的影响,得到较佳优化浸出的工艺条件,并获得了二阶多项式模型。在氧压温度171.4 ℃、硫酸浓度48.62 g/L、液固比6.42 的较佳优化条件下,选择性浸出率模型预测值分别为95.59%,实验真实值平均浸出率为95.61%。


      Abstract: Water quenching slags were leached by oxygen pressure at the acidic conditions. The effects of ratio of oxygen pressure temperature, sulfuric acid concentration, liquid-solid ratio on the selective leaching were investigated using response surface methodology for optimal and analysis. Optimal process parameters on Mn leaching from water quenching slags and two order polynomial equation of model were obtained. At the optimal conditions as follows, the oxygen pressure temperature of 171.4 ℃, sulfuric acid concentration of 48.62 g/L, liquid-solid ratio of 6.42. The results show that the theoretical leaching ratio of model predicts can reach 95.59%, while the experimental average values are 95.61%.


