
    Process Mineralogy and Beneficiation Test of a Large Scale Crystalline Graphite Ore in Tanzania

    • 摘要: 以坦桑尼亚某地大鳞片晶质石墨矿为研究对象,对其进行了工艺矿物学和浮选实验研究。结果表明,该矿石中有用矿物为鳞片状石墨,固定碳含量为5.67%;原矿在磨矿细度-0.15 mm 47%,煤油用量90 g/t,2#油用量60 g/t,粗选时间为2.5 min的粗选条件下,采用“一粗一精一扫的浮选流程获得的粗精矿,再经六次剥片磨矿、七次精选,中矿分批集中返回”的工艺流程,获得固定碳含量为95.06%,回收率为90.16%,+0.15 mm产品占精矿72.47%的产品,该工艺可以有效保护大鳞片石墨。


      Abstract: The process mineralogy and flotation tests of a large scale crystalline graphite ore in Tanzania were carried out. The results show that the useful mineral in the ore is flake graphite with a fixed carbon content of 5.67%. At the conditions of grinding fineness of -0.15 mm, content of 47%, kerosene dosage of 90 g/t, 2# oil dosage of 60 g/t and roughing time of 2.5 min, the roughing concentrate was obtained by the flotation process of "one roughing, one cleaning and one scavenging" was processed by six times of strip grinding, seven times of cleaning, and middling returned in batches. The fixed carbon content was 95.06% and the recovery was 90.16%, +0.15 mm products accounting for 72.47% of the concentrate. This process can effectively protect large flake graphite.


