
    Technology of Recovering Refractory from Waste of Bauxite Chamotte by Color Separation Technology

    • 摘要: 铝矾土在烧成熟料后,含铁高的铝矾土熟料因颜色差异被人工手选挑出;而手选出的高铁铝矾土熟料因无法满足耐火材料的要求而被抛弃。本实验以高铝熟料的废料为原料,先将原料破碎为至5~10 mm,再通过色选机对原料进行分选,最后可得到全铁含量低于2%的合格耐火材料原料。精矿产品全铁品位为1.48%,产率为33.12%。该技术可有效提高耐火行业的铝矾土利用率,具有较为广泛的应用前景。


      Abstract: After the bauxite is fired into the clinker, the bauxite chamotte high in iron content is handpicked out because of the color difference, and the bauxite chamotte high in iron content by handpicked was discarded because it does not meet the requirements of the refractory. This test takes waste of bauxite chamotte as raw materials. Firstly, the raw materials are crushed to 5~10 mm, and then the raw materials are sorted by photoelectric color separator. Finally, qualified refractory raw materials with total iron content less than 2% can be obtained. The total iron grade of concentrate product is 1.48% and the yield is 33.12%. This technology can effectively improve the utilization rate of bauxite in refractory industry, and has a wide application prospect.


