
    Optimization Study on the Microwave Drying of Red Mud Using Response Surface Methodology

    • 摘要: 赤泥作为一种铝生产工业废弃物,有价金属元素种类丰富,具有较高的综合利用价值。论文开展了微波清洁干燥赤泥实验研究,考查了微波功率、物料量对赤泥温升行为的影响,表明赤泥升温速率与微波功率成正比,与物料量成反比;在单因素实验基础上,进行了响应曲面法优化实验研究,分别考查了微波功率、物料量和干燥时间对赤泥脱水率的影响,建立了各因素与脱水率之间的数学模型,获得了微波清洁干燥赤泥响应曲面优化工艺参数:控制微波干燥温度为100 ℃,微波功率为700 W,物料量为50 g,干燥时间为12 min时,赤泥的脱水率为97.95%,与模型预测值(98.58%)较为接近。研究结果为赤泥的资源化利用奠定了一定实验基础。


      Abstract: As a kind of industrial waste from aluminum production, red mud is rich in valuable metal elements and has high comprehensive utilization value. The effects of microwave power and material amount on the temperature rise behavior of red mud were investigated. The results show that the heating rate of red mud is directly proportional to the microwave power and inversely proportional to material amount. Based on the single factor experiment, the optimization experiment of response surface method was carried out. The effects of microwave power, material amount and drying time on the dehydration rate of red mud were investigated respectively. The mathematical model between each factor and dehydration rate was established, and the optimization process parameters of response surface of microwave clean drying red mud were obtained: Control of microwave drying temperature was 100 ℃, microwave power was 700 W, material quantity was 50 g, drying time was 12 min, dehydration rate of red mud was 97.95%, and the model prediction was similar (98.58%). The results laid a certain experimental foundation for the resource utilization of red mud.


