Experimental Research on Floatation Technology for a Molybdenum Ore in Anhui
摘要: 根据安徽某钼矿的矿石性质,进行了选矿试验研究.针对该辉钼矿嵌布不均匀、解离比较困难的特点,试验采用了粗选磨矿细度-0.074mm75%,水玻璃分散抑制矿泥脉石,钼硫混合浮选的工艺流程.粗精矿分别经过一段再磨和两段再磨后五次精选对比,结果表明,粗精矿采用一段再磨精选后便可获得合格钼精矿.在优化多种工艺条件的基础上进行了闭路试验,采用一粗二扫,粗精矿再磨,六次精选工艺便可获得钼品位50.30%、回收率81.18%的钼精矿.Abstract: Directed at the properties of a molybdenum ore in Anhui,an experimental research on floatation technology was carried out.For its characteristics of uneven dissemination and being difficult to liberate,the technological flowsheet of Mo-S bulk flotation was adopted under the condition of the grinding fineness of-0.074mm75% and water glass used to depress the slime and gangue.Through the comparison of one-stage regrinding and five cleaning flotation with two-stage regrinding and five cleaning flotation,the re...