Application Research on the Recovery of Barite from Lead-zinc Tailings
摘要: 对青海某铅锌尾矿中重晶石进行了综合回收,通过对该尾矿矿石性质分析,进行了重选及浮选-重选联合工艺方案的试验研究.通过这两种工艺流程对比,最终决定采用浮选-重选联合工艺流程处理该铅锌尾矿,通过试验获得了BaSO4品位为90.18%,回收率为52.45%的重晶石精矿,有效回收了尾矿中的重晶石,为企业创造了显著的经济效益.Abstract: With the aim to recover barite from the lead-zinc tailings in Qinghai,the two kinds of technological flowsheets of gravity separation and flotation-gravity separation were carried out according to its properties.Finally,the combined technology of flotation-gravity separation was adopted,obtaining a barite concentrate of 90.18% BaSO4 with a recovery of 52.45%,which effectively recovered barite in the tailings and brought remarkable economic benefits for the enterprise.