
    Experimental Research on Mineral Processing of Beach Placer from Wanning in Hainan Province

    • 摘要: 通过对我国海南万宁海滨砂矿进行矿石性质和可选性研究,查明了该矿石的化学成分、矿物和粒度组成及矿石的可选性。研究结果表明,采用分级-磨矿-强磁选-摇床重选工艺流程,可获得TiO2品位49.12%,回收率为80.00%的钛精矿,为该类型砂矿的综合回收利用提供了技术依据。


      Abstract: Through experiments on ore characteristics and mineral processing of beach placer from Wanning in Hainan Province,the chemical composition,mineral composition,and particle size distribution were analysed.The results of process mineralogy tests showed that when the technology of classification-grinding-high intensity magnetic separation-shaking table gravity concentration was selected as mineral processing flowsheet,a titanium concentrate product containing 49.12% TiO2 with a yield of 14.91% and recovery of ...


