Research on Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Technology for a Refractory Gold Ore
摘要: 甘肃某金矿金矿品位较低,矿石氧化程度较高。金矿物粒度细小,主要以微粒、次显微金矿物形式嵌布于褐铁矿粒间以及被粘土矿物充填的褐铁矿裂隙、孔洞中,属于难处理矿石。根据该矿石性质进行了原矿全泥氰化浸金和浮选富集-氰化浸金两种工艺流程的试验研究,结果表明该两种工艺均可获得较好的选矿指标:原矿全泥氰化搅拌浸出的金浸出率为94.19%;浮选富集-氰化浸金的金浸出率为97.62%,银浸出率为90.80%。由于浮选抛尾可显著提高氰化浸金的设备效率和经济效益,故推荐浮选富集-氰化浸金为该金矿的选冶技术方案。Abstract: A low-grade gold ore in Gansu was oxidized seriously,the gold minerals of which were mainly disseminated among the limonite particles and in the cracks and holes filled with clay minerals,in the form of micro-particles and submicro-particles.Therefore,it belongs to a refractory ore.Aimed at the ore properties,the two kinds of technological flowsheets of all-slime cyanidation leaching of gold and flotation concentration-cyanidation leaching of gold were carried out.The results show that when the technologica...