
    Technological Study on Preparation of Calcium Carbonate Whiskers by Using Active Lime

    • 摘要: 以工业活性石灰为原料,采用碳酸化法合成碳酸钙晶须。分别研究了镁钙比、反应温度、搅拌速度和二氧化碳通气量四个因素对合成碳酸钙晶须的影响。研究结果表明:反应温度对碳酸钙晶须的合成影响最大,其次为镁钙比和二氧化碳的通气量,搅拌速度的影响最小;当镁钙比为2,反应温度80℃,搅拌速度100~130 r/m in,二氧化碳的通气量70~100mL/m in,可以获得长度25~30μm,长径比28左右,大小均匀的文石型碳酸钙。


      Abstract: Calcium carbonate whiskers were prepared by means of carbonation using active lime as raw materials.The effect of the ration of magnesium to calcium,reaction temperature,stirring speed and the ventilation of carbon dioxide on the synthesis of calcium carbonate whiskers was studied.The result shows that the reaction time has the biggest influence on the synthesis of calcium carbonate whiskers,then the ratio of magnesium to calcium and the ventilation of carbon dioxide,and finally the stirring speed.When the ...


