Experimental Research on Mineral processing of Huadan Oolitic Hematite in Sichuan
摘要: 四川凉山州华弹鲕状赤铁矿类似宣龙式鲕状赤铁矿,该矿床鲕粒较大,含磷较低。该鲕状赤铁矿以脉石杂质为鲕粒核心,以赤铁矿与脉石相间或混杂的同心层组成鲕粒,赤铁矿与脉石界线不分明,脉石与赤铁矿分离非常困难,矿石属易破易磨极难选铁矿石。针对该矿性质特点,对华弹鲕状赤铁矿进行选矿探索试验研究,提出了在合理的磨矿细度条件下,采用重-磁联合工艺流程,最终可获得铁品位55.07%,产率43.69%,回收率66.27%的选别效果,为华弹鲕状赤铁矿开发利用提供了新的技术依据。Abstract: Huadan oolitic hematite in Liangshan district is similar with that in Xuanlong.The particle size of oolitic is relatively big while the content of phosphorus is relatively low.The ore of the oolitic hematite is gangue impurity,which is made up of a concentric lamina with interphase or mixed hematite and gangue.The boundary line of hematite and gangue is not clear,belonging to this kind of ore that is easy to break and grind but hard to separate.According to its characteristics,the experimental research on m...