
    Research on the Occurrence State of Vanadium of Pingbian Vanadium Ore in Honghe County

    • 摘要: 经化学分析、磨制光薄片(显微镜下观察)、人工重砂分析和扫描电镜电子探针分析等研究发现:红河屏边的钒矿为沉积型钒矿,主要的岩石类型为粉砂质泥岩、细砂屑灰岩、泥晶灰岩和硅质板岩等。钒有两种赋存状态:第一种主要以类质同象的形式(部分不排除是由于矿物包裹吸附钒的碳质),普遍赋存在石英、铝硅钡石、磷灰石、方解石、褐铁矿和含钒金红石等矿物中,在矿石中占97%以上;第二种以吸附状态存在,被碳质吸附。由于该矿石中的钒以类质同象的形式分散在多种矿物中,未发现以独立矿物形式存在的钒,所以该钒矿无法通过物理选矿方法分离和富集,该矿石今后的选矿研究方向应采用化学选矿。


      Abstract: By chemical analysis,grinding optical sheet(observing by microscope),artificial placer analysis and scanning electron microscope electron microprobe analysis,it is found that the Pingbian vanadium ore belongs to the sedimentary type vanadium ore,the main types of which are silty mudstone,fine calcarenite,micritic limestone and siliceous slate.The vanadium has two kinds of occurrence state.The first one is in the form of isomorphism(partly because of the carbon of mineral inclusions adsorbing vanadium),accou...


