Optimization of the Fine Ilmenite Flotation Technology by Titanium Concentrator of Panzhihua Steel
摘要: 攀钢选钛厂攻克微细粒钛铁矿浮选工艺技术,提高了钛铁矿回收率,为攀钢选钛厂的产能提升创造了条件。介绍了选钛厂微细粒钛铁矿浮选的技术进步,论述了选钛扩能改造后微细粒钛铁矿浮选的工艺技术特点及发展方向。Abstract: By capturing the fine ilmenite flotation technology,Titanium Concentrator of Panzhihua Steel improves the recovery of ilmenite and creates the conditions for the increase of production capacity.This article introduces the progress of the fine ilmenite flotation technology and states the characteristics and development of this kind of technology after the modification of production expansion.