
    Experimental Research on Iron Recovery from Blast Furnace Sludge of WISCO

    • 摘要: 对含铁品位为37.89%的武钢高炉瓦斯泥,进行理化性能分析和矿物工艺学研究,采用磁选、重选(摇床、螺旋溜槽)等方法进行铁矿物回收,试验研究表明,采用两段重选工艺流程处理武钢高炉瓦斯泥,可获得精泥产率31.81%、含铁品位61.51%、铁回收率51.64%较理想指标,其中SiO2、Al2O3、CaO、MgO的含量都能满足高炉冶炼的要求。试验采用的重选工艺回收铁,对瓦斯泥的适应性强,便于生产操作和管理。


      Abstract: For the blast furnace sludge of WISCO,whose iron grade is 37.89%,the physicochemical property and the process mineralogy were studied and the technologies of magnetic separation and gravity separation(shaker and spiral chute) were adopted to recover iron.The research indicated when the technological flowsheet of two-stage gravity separation was adopted,satisfactory indexes with the yield of 31.81%,the iron grade of 61.51% and the iron recovery of 51.64% could be obtained.At the same time,the contents of SiO...


