Exploitation of Black Talc in the Ceramic Industry
摘要: 滑石在陶瓷工业中起着非常重要的作用,在陶瓷坯体中加入少量白滑石可以降低烧成温度,提高产品的透明度、白度、机械强度和热稳定性,白滑石应用范围广泛,所以其市场价格普遍较高。黑滑石由于含有一定量的碳质显黑色,工业上利用较少,价格较便宜,若用黑滑石代替白滑石用于陶瓷生产则可降低陶瓷工业的生产成本。对在陶瓷原料中添加黑滑石的烧成体白度、抗压强度、比重、吸水率、收缩率等参数的研究,结果表明:当加热至700℃,黑滑石的碳质基本消失,白度提高到70左右,加热至900℃以后,白度在90以上;添加黑滑石的烧成体抗压强度增大但稍低于白滑石制成品(仍符合建筑陶瓷生产要求),比重略有下降,吸水率逐渐增大,收缩率无明显变化,符合陶瓷工业的生产要求。Abstract: Talc plays a very important role in the ceramic industry.A small amount of white talc in the ceramic body can reduce sintering temperature,improve product transparency,whiteness,mechanical strength and thermal stability of products,which makes it used widely and its price high.The black talc contains a certain amount of carbonaceous and shows black,so it is not often used in the industry and the price is low.The cost would be less if the black talc instead of white talc used in ceramic production.In this pa...