Structure and Properties Characterization of Coke Powder Activated Carbons
摘要: 以焦粉为原料,KOH为活化剂,采用化学活化法制备焦粉活性炭。经三因素四水平正交试验获得最佳比表面积为1855m2/g的焦粉活性炭。三因素对焦粉活性炭吸附性能影响程度依次为:活化温度>碱炭比(KOH与焦粉质量比)>活化时间。分别用热重-差热分析、红外光谱、扫描电镜和X-射线衍射等对活化前后样品进行了对比测定、表征与分析。得出:经KOH高温活化后,焦粉活性炭较焦粉镜像表面呈蜂窝结构更为显著、结构疏松、含氧官能团相对减少、石墨化程度增加,并具有较大比表面积与良好的导电性能。多孔径与大比表面可赋予焦粉活性炭良好的吸附性能与负载功能,高石墨化程度与优良导电性能为其用作导电材料的利用开发提供了可能。Abstract: By chemical method coke powder activated carbons was prepared using coke powder as raw material and KOH as activator.The coke powder activated carbon with the optimum specific surface area as 185m2/g was obtained through orthogonal experiment with three factors and four levels.The influence degree of three factors on the adsorption of activated carbon powder was: activation temperature> alkali carbon ratio(KOH and coke mass ratio)>activation time.The samples before and after activation were comparatively de...