
    Effects of Strong Adsorption Pre-dehydration on Dehydration Energy Consumption of Montmorillonite Organic Gel

    • 摘要: 这是一篇陶瓷及复合材料领域的论文。蒙脱石有机凝胶是一种触变性凝胶,一般采用湿法工艺生产,需经喷雾干燥获得凝胶产品,但因喷雾干燥效率较低,能耗较高,干燥成本占生产成本的主要部分,进行降低脱水过程能耗的研究意义重大。论文提出了一种新型的低能耗预脱水工艺,预先在脱水池内充填比表面积大、吸水性能好的非金属矿物材料,然后将蒙脱石有机凝胶注入其中,充分搅拌,达到预脱水目的,再经喷雾干燥,得到高质量的有机凝胶产品。对预脱水流程设计专用工艺,并通过热量计算比较了经过预脱水过程及未经预脱水过程喷雾干燥的能量消耗。结果表明,经过预脱水工艺后比现有工艺节能约58%。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of ceramics and composites. Montmorillonite organic gel is a thixotropic gel, which is usually produced by wet process. It needs to be spray drying to obtain gel products. However, the drying cost accounts for the major part of the production cost due to the low efficiency and high energy consumption of spray drying. Therefore, it is of great importance to reduce the energy consumption in the process of dehydration. A new type of pre dehydration process with low energy consumption is proposed in this paper. A non-metallic mineral material with high specific surface area and good water absorption is filled into the dehydrated tank. The montmorillonite organic gel is injected into the dehydrated tank and stirred well to achieve the purpose of pre dehydration. The high-quality organic gel product is then obtained by spray drying. The special process for the pre-dewatering process is designed and the energy consumption of the pre-drying process and the spray drying process without pre dehydration are compared by thermal calculation. The results show that the pre dehydration process can save about 58% energy compared with the existing process.


