
    Apatite Enrichment from Iron Ore Tailings by Rotary Triboelectrostatic Separator

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。我国许多铁尾矿中含有磷灰石等宝贵磷矿资源,但目前缺乏经济有效的分选技术将它分离出来利用。旋转摩擦静电分选技术具有无需水和药剂,环境污染小、能耗低等优点。本文重点考查了紫铜、不锈钢、铝和PVC四种不同摩擦材料对铁尾矿中磷灰石、石英、长石和钛铁矿等主要组成矿物荷电特性的影响。研究了沈家铁尾矿中磷灰石分选富集性能随旋转摩擦静电分选技术主要参数的变化规律并确定了较佳条件。结果表明,PVC摩擦后的磷灰石与其他矿物的荷电差异较大。在实际铁尾矿分选实验中,当摩擦起电器转速为5000 r/min,给料速度为50 g/min,协风风速为0.5 m/s,进风风速为0.6 m/s时,获得了磷精矿P2O5品位27.6%、回收率49.3%的良好指标,实现了铁尾矿中磷灰石的有效分选提纯。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of mineral processing engineering. Many iron ore tailings in China contain precious phosphorite resources, such as apatite, but there is a lack of economic and effective separation methods to separate and utilize them. The rotary triboelectric separation (RTS) technique has the advantages of low environmental pollution and energy consumption without the usage of water and reagents. This paper emphatically investigated the effect of different friction materials including copper, stainless steel, aluminum and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) on the charging characteristics of pure minerals of apatite, quartz, or thoclase and ilmenite which were the main components of iron ore tailings. The variation of apatite separation and enrichment performance in Shenjia iron tailings with the primary rotary triboelectrostatic separation parameters was studied and the optimum conditions were determined. It was concluded that apatite rubbed with PVC showed the greatest difference in the charge-mass ratio with other minerals. In the actual subsequent tests of apatite from iron ore tailings, a reasonably good separation performance with an apatite concentrate of 27.6% P2O5 grade at 49.3% P2O5 recovery was obtained under the conditions of rotary charger rotation speed 5000 r/min, feed rate 50 g/min, co-flow airvelocity 0.5 m/s, feed flow air velocity 0.6 m/s, accomplishing the effective separation and purification of apatite in iron tailings.


