
    Study on Leaching of Gallium and Scandium from a Gibbsite-Type Bauxite

    • 摘要: 这是一篇冶金工程领域的论文。铝土矿中具有较高含量的镓和钪,回收价值大。研究镓和钪在铝土矿溶出过程中的浸出行为对于镓和钪的提取利用具有重要意义。研究了三水铝石型铝土矿中镓和钪的浸出行为。结果表明,镓较易被浸出而进入溶液中;升高温度、延长反应时间、增大氢氧化钠质量浓度均有利于镓的浸出,镓浸出率可达73%以上;添加氧化钙降低镓的浸出率;溶液中的镓含量在循环溶出过程中产生积累,循环溶出3次后,分解母液中镓浓度达24.2 mg/L。赤泥及分解母液均具有较高的镓含量,均具有回收利用价值。钪不易被浸出,97.4%的钪被富集在赤泥中,钪回收提取的对象主要是赤泥。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of metallurgical engineering. There are high contents of gallium and scandium in bauxite, which has great recovery value. The study on the leaching behavior of gallium and scandium in bauxite leaching process is of great significance for the extraction and utilization of gallium and scandium. The leaching behavior of gallium and scandium from gibbsite bauxite was studied. The results showed that gallium was easy to be leached into the solution. Increasing the temperature, prolonging the reaction time and increasing the mass concentration of sodium hydroxide were conducive to the leaching of gallium. The leaching rate of gallium could reach over 73%, and adding calcium oxide reduced the leaching rate of gallium. The gallium content in the solution was accumulated during the cyclic digestion process. After 3 cycles, the gallium concentration in the decomposition mother liquor reached 24.2 mg/L. Both red mud and decomposition mother liquor had high gallium content and had recycling value. Scandium was not easy to be leached. After digestion, 97.4% of scandium was enriched in red mud. The object of scandium recovery and extraction was mainly red mud.


