Reasearch on the Technology of High Pressure Pre-oxidation-Cyanide Leaching of Gold for a High Sulfur High Arsenic Gold Concentrate
摘要: 使用酸性高压预氧化-氰化提金的工艺方法,处理高硫高砷含有机碳的金精矿,使金的浸出率从10%提高到97%左右。为了优化工艺参数,对影响预氧化和氰化效果的因素进行了考查,同时也对预氧化后的含砷酸性废水的综合处理进行了研究。Abstract: When the technology of high pressure pre-oxidation-cyanide leaching of gold was adopted for the high sul-fur high arsenic gold concentrate containing the organic carbon, the leaching rate of gold was improved from 10% toabout 97%. In order to optimize the process parameters,effects on pre-oxidation and cyanide were studied. At thesame time, comprehensive treatment for the arsenic-containing acid waste water from pre-oxidation was studied.